B&M2 junior company Audition

For 6 years, the B&M2 Junior Compagnie has established itself as a real springboard between school and the professional dance world in the Basque Country. With artistic dynamism and growing notoriety, it offers its members the opportunity to develop their talent, perfect their technique and prepare for the national and international stages.

The B&M2 Junior Compagnie is also distinguished by an exceptional partnership with the renowned Malandain Ballet Biarritz.

The audition ( private or by video) is open to all young dancers of any nationality.

Please send your application file: [email protected]

1 artistic CV
1 portrait photo
1 dance photo
Videos: Classical class at the center (pointe for girls) and a contemporary solo

Learn more at: https://b-and-m-compagnie.fr/auditions-bm2/

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