Advertise With Us
Note: If you are looking for promoting your event only by publishing a listing/post, not a banner ad, please click here. is a creative team of designers, marketers and dance performers. Closely with our partners we develop online advertising campaigns to promote their events and/or dance education offers.
The advertising campaign start by buying a banner ad spot on for an affordable price. After it, and without extra costs, we manage and promote the event on different platforms as described below.
Advertising campaign after buying a banner ad spot in
Google Adwords:
We create a campaign of your ad in our Google Adwords’ account. So, your ad will be shown in Google Search and Google Website Networks. A great opportunity to create awareness of your event while your target audience are searching on Google or when they are visiting different websites that contain Google ad.
It also complements your own Google Adwords campaign if you have one. &
We publish your banner ad in It is the #1 website for professional dance auditions and dance workshops from around the world. Every month, reaches more that 125.000 unique readers from across the dance sector.
Beside the banner ad, we create a post with the information of your event and publish it on and in The post is shared often in the social media to engage with your target audience.

Social Media, Newsletter & Articles:
Your event information is shared regularly in the social media. We use different ways to engage with your target audience including our posts about your event, the share of your videos, photos and news and the use of the comment feature. We also promote your event regularly inside our Newsletter to let you reach more than 6000 subscribers and we write articles or interviews about your event, people or institution.
They Have Trusted Us
It’s not only placing your banner ad in our websites. We build a successful promotional campaign to diversify your presence online in a very affordable way.
Contact us to send you our MEDIA KIT for more information, stats and the full advertising packages.