Alma Mater Europaea Dance Academy Accredited Bachelor’s Degree in Dance and Choreography. Auditions for Academic Year 2025-2026

Come to study in Slovenia at Dance Academy. The Accredited Bachelor’s Degree of the Dance Academy covers the entire artistic and practical knowledge in the field of dance – from classical to modern disciplines.

It encourages the achievement of personal goals, development of character and recognition of artistic

The modern nature of the program becomes pronounced in its practical orientation, which offers the artistic
form of dance, through various social and educational experiences.
It develops communication skills and critical thinking, capacities for research and analysis, as well as
the creative productivity in any field of dance.

The intention of the audition is to get to know the candidates, their technical skills and creative potentials that originate in personal involvement, clear goals, motivation and imagination.

Online auditions for international students, Starting from February 1 2025

Academic year 2025/2026’s Classes will start 1st of October 2025.

Deadline for applications: 15th of September 2025 for international students.

Where: Center Premik, Neubergerjeva 9, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. Online auditions for international student

For more information and to apply, please visit:…

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