ImmersionDance Summer Dance Intensive

Changing the future of dance by providing educational support for professional Dancers.

The future of dance lies not only with the dancers who can perform flawless technique, adhere to certain standards, and look a certain way…

It also lies with human beings who have not only talent to dance but also possess creativity, cognitive skills and body knowledge, who know themselves deeply and understand their personal and unique potential that they can share with the world and can contribute to creating change not only inside themselves but on the larger scale in dance and in the world.

At ImmersionDance we concentrate on helping dancers develop their understanding of themselves as human beings to enhance not only their technique, but also their emotional expression and creativity by encouraging personal development; be it physical, emotional or spiritual, and on helping them to unleash their unique voices so that they may contribute to the world of dance and lead an inspiring and fulfilling life.

During the ImmersionDance intensive you will be able to:

Work on your classical technique, musicality, and creativity.

Deepen your physical and kinesthetic potential by taking classes in GYROKINESIS® and Functional Range Conditioning®.

Deepen the connection with yourself and your body through Guided Meditation, Movement Awareness classes, and daily Personal Work sessions.

Gain knowledge in Personal Development, Career Development, and Communication Skills.

Meet new people, broaden your network, and learn from each other through various activities.

Open to professional dancers (classical and contemporary) ages 18+.

Where: Dresden, Germany

When: July 10-15, 2023

To apply, visit our website:

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