UPDATED: International Theatre Studio Farm in the Cave is Looking for Male Performers for an On-going Collaboration
International theatre studio Farm in the Cave based in Prague (Czech Republic), is proposing co-operation for talented male performers for an on-going collaboration in Czech Republic and in other countries.
External artistic collaboration: physical performer/ dancer/ actor (male)
• An opportunity to work with professional artists in a multi-award-winning international company
• A platform for individual development and gaining additional experience in physical theatre
•To understudy parts in current shows with an opportunity to contribute to the creation of the new projects
• A two-year contract
• Based at the Centre for Contemporary Art DOX, Prague, Czech Republic
• starting from September 2018
ESSENTIAL: A minimum age of 23, solid physicality and musicality in movement and expression, commitment to and a willingness to learn and grow. You must be flexible about time commitments and have basic English. Experience of a wide variety of theatre genres is preferred, but not obligatory.
WHEN: from 3 to 4 September 2018 (first round), and from 5 to 9 September 2018 (second round)
First round of auditions will take place from 3 to 4 September in the form of a two-day workshop lead by members of Farm in the Cave. Selected candidates will be invited to the second round which will be held from 5 to 9 September in the form of an intensive workshop. (If you will be selected, the participation in the second round is necessary)
WHERE: DOX Centre for contemporary art, Prague, Czech Republic
To apply please fill in this form: https://goo.gl/forms/l9ezQCiBVfBCTUPp2
Your CV, link to a video of your work where you can be clearly seen taking part in improvisations and other performances (and other materials you consider to be relevant) send to [email protected]
[email protected] or +420 739 592 481
For information about Farm in the Cave, please visit: http://farminthecave.com/en/ or