nadaproductions is Looking for 3 up to 4 Dancers for a New Creation Danza y Frontera
nadaproductions conquers Vienna this summer with a street-dance from the border between Mexico and the U.S.
Choreographer Amanda Piña is back from her research-travel in Mexico, where she explored and studied the fascinating dance-form of Ejido 20 de Matamoros.
Now, nadaproductions is ready to infect Vienna with this intense movement practice: in frame of of the ImPulsTanz – Vienna International Dance Festival there will be a workshop and a residency with an audition before.
Based on all this work, the group piece “Danza y Frontera” (Dance and Border) – with 10 performers coming from many countries and through many borders, will have its premiere on 11 October 2018 at Tanzquartier Wien.
When: On the 21st of July we will hold an audition: we are looking for 3 up to 4 dancers for our new creation Danza y Frontera (Tanz und Grenze).
Where: Vienna, Austria
Requirements: a fast mind and body for steps and rhythmical patterns, energy and endurance, love for intense movement experience, to be able to relate with border theory and border thinking. Please bring sneakers.
To apply: Please send a mail with picture and contact to [email protected].
Your personal data will be deleted from our account after the audition.
tags: Europe