Noism2 is Looking for Apprentice Dancers
Noism Company Niigata (Japan) is looking for apprentice dancers for Noism2 for the season 2025/2026. Noism2 requires that you can speak some Japanese and a training fee of 300,000 JPY.
Noism Company Niigata is the first and only dance company in Japan to be based at a public theatre, RYUTOPIA Niigata City Arts Center. The company was founded in 2004 by Jo Kanamori and is consisted of three groups – Noism0 by professional selected members, Noism1 the professional company, and Noism2 the apprentice company.
Nihongo de kaiwa ga dekirukoto ga motomeraremasu.
For further information please visit our website
RYUTOPIA Niigata City Arts Center, Niigata-city, Japan
Sunday, 20 April 2025
How to Apply:
Please send your Curriculum Vitae and video material by e-mail ([email protected]).
●CV: Include name, date of birth, age, current address (if current address is abroad, contact details in Japan), telephone number (home and mobile), e-mail address, dance and stage career, height, weight and gender.
*Any format of CV is acceptable.
●Facial and full-body photographs
●Video material: the applicant’s own image of himself/herself dancing must be clearly visible.
*Please send us the video in a common video format such as MP4, or a link to watch the video on YouTube, Vimeo, etc.
by invitation only.
Deadline for applications:
Sunday, 13 April 2025
Learn more about the audition at:
Visit website to learn more about the company:
Contact info:
3-2 Ichibanboridori-cho, Chuo-ku, Niigata 951-8132, Japan Noism Audition Section RYUTOPIA Niigata City Performing Arts Center TEL: +81-(0)25-224-5627 FAX: +81-(0)25-224-5626 E-mail: [email protected]