“ReWilding Attention: Becoming Feral” with Nita Little

What are the limits of our ability to be physically alive, to connect, and to commune with one another? Commune with our environments?

Dancing Contact Improvisation and dance ensemble improvisation, this workshop develops states of embodiment that support communion. This process will begin deep within our physicality as we seek to understand how we communicate through our own anatomical structures. With this understanding, we extend outwardly into duets, trios, and ensembles. Our work is to rethink our embodiment, challenge our cultural assumptions, and find new answers to how we communicate as physical beings. We develop states of being that heighten our felt sense so that even walking down a street we are alive with communication. Ready to meet one another and our worlds, we understand the creativity implicit in play. Our goal is to shake off the limits of our domestication and become more instinctual, more intuitive, more specific and clear in our actions, and more alive in our presence with one another and our worlds.

5 days intensive workshop (non-residential), 30 hours of classes and a lot of opportunity for group discussions. Set in a beautiful part of Wales.

When: 20 September – 24 September 2017

Where: Wales

£265.00 Early Bird until July 20th
£285.00 Full Price
Option of payment in 3 installments.
More details about travel and accommodation soon.

To Apply: If you are interested please get in touch soon as we have a limited number of spaces! [email protected]

Deadline: September 19th 2017

Photo by Denis Timinski

tags: europe, uk, wales

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