The Professional Contemporary Dance Certification Program PCDCP Fall 2025
The Professional Contemporary Dance Certification Program is dedicated to equipping artists who have completed intensive study programs at the diploma and B.A. level or sufficient dance intensive practice not shorter than 5 years. It is designed for passionate artists with an interest in continuing their professional path to become performers and educators of the highest quality in the contemporary performance field. The opportunity gives participants the rare experience of intimate training with a world renowned choreographer, performer and teacher whose 30 years of international experience champions a non-western perspective.
The program will function as a practical space dedicated to the preservation and sharing of research systems, by promoting discussion, archiving and the transmission of these practices and knowledge to future generations among its dancers and educators with an emphasis on a creation with Judith Sánchez Ruíz.
The creation process of the piece “I Am With You” will involve 3 hours of work per day for 5 weeks, culminating in 2 performances at Eden Studios in Berlin, Germany. Judith Sánchez Ruíz is revisiting her groundbreaking “diary process,” delving deeper into the raw, existential physicality that lies at its core. This movement will resonate like a powerful chorus, a visual poem painted across the stage, instilling a shared human sentiment, and reflecting our collective experiences without dictating the narrative of our choices.
Internally, the weeks will be divided between 2 internship teachers, who will share responsibilities and teach together for 4 weeks. These trainings aim to awaken individuals’ innate movement potential from a functional standpoint, laying the groundwork for an artistic platform where movement possibilities are continuously refined for original compositions. Through a transformative methodology, participants explore new avenues in mind, body, and spirit, fostering a desire to contribute meaningfully to performance and pedagogy.
This visionary project boldly empowers each participant to contribute their concerns, backgrounds, and insights. Together, we transform these individual voices into a powerful collective expression, a moving story, and an unforgettable experience that will leave an indelible mark on our Berlin community.
DATES: September 15th – October 18th, 2025
PERFORMANCES: October 17th & 18th, 2025
TIME: 19:00pm
WHERE: EDEN Studios (studio 190)
ADDRESS: Breite Str 43, 13187 Berlin Pankow Germany
Manager Administrator – @dnb310
Founder Director – @judithsanchezruiz
Media & Website – @barlassahinoglu @saminnnn
Guest Teacher – @andrew_champlin_
Ready to elevate your creative skills?
Apply now for the Judith Sánchez Ruíz Company’s Professional Contemporary Dance Certification Program for Fall 2025.
Registration Deadline: March 29, 2025
Applications are open at
For more details contact us at:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Follow us on Instagram: @judithsanchezruiz.pcdcp
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