A creative 8 day school with Sonia Ntova, where the practices of embodiment and care are the essential elements throughout the whole week!

Where: Neochori, Lefkada, Greece

When: 16 – 23 July, 2023

Our daily schedule
8.30 – 9.30 Breakfast / Collective cooking on 22nd
9.30 – 11.30 Somatic Practice
11.30 – 13.00 Meet my roots walk / Collective cooking on 18th
13.00 – 14.30 Snack / rest
14.30 – 16.00 Slow practice- Moving Thoughts / Under the shadows
16:30 – 19:30 Somatic Practice / Sharing – meeting the locals (last day)
20:00 – 21:00 Dinner

Sunday 16th of July is the arrival day, and only welcome dinner is included. Sunday 23rd of July is the departure day and there will be an Early Ritual and Salutation Breakfast!

Deadline for applications: 9 July, 2023 / Early bird until 25th of May, 2023 !

The school includes:
Somatic practices outdoors
Conversations and collective reflection
Collective raw cooking
Interaction with the locals

This ‘school’ is not only about acquiring skills but taking a step further by applying them to other aspects of our daily practice. It is a process that moves towards a sensitive ecological understanding of “becoming”.

The somatic practices that we will be shared during the week, are a series of movements and interactions for everyone to investigate the sensorial self.

The practices suggest the body as an ontological space that functions with care for equal relationships in the world.

# We will work daily in different locations.

# We will work on somatic practices and instructions that will expand our sensorial world.

# We will investigate our sensory perception and expand our imaginary potential.

# We will work individually and in groups.

# We will reflect on the training practices.

# We will enter into the dance archive of ecofeminism, corporeal art, somatic practices, and sustainable body.

# We will create different modalities of learning, and we will apply notions of embodiment through our common daily life in Paleochori.

#We will permit our encounter to evolve the practices further.

The further application of the practices in daily life examines and wishes to unfold an alternative way of thinking and raises questions about the sensory dimensions of existence in the current era. It activates the body as a vital force that acts collectively and sensitively, bringing forward the importance to re-evaluate the common space.

By activating our attention, critical reflection and emancipatory potential, the school aims to create a space where ‘discourse, fantasy and corporeality’ (Massey, 1999) formulate landforms of mutual understanding and care.

The school invites all different bodies to attend. No experience with movement/dancing is necessary.

More info about the workshop here https://unpluggeddance.com/workshops-posts/workshop-1/

Sonia Ntova is a dance practitioner based in Greece. She works around Europe for the past 10 years in solo works, collaborations with different artists, while teaching dance -movement in various contexts. She completed her Master’s degree with excellence, in the field of Dance and Participation (Danish National School of Performing Arts in Copenhagen, DK). Along with a state diploma in classical and contemporary dance from the Greek Ministry of Culture (GR). Her work in been outlined by the weaving between art, movement, and pedagogy. It supports the importance of embodied art as a chance to reconnect to the physicality of both ourselves and our environments. Her interest lies in making high-quality artistic processes available to people. Her current focus is on the question of “What reembodiment do we need in a context of global ethical and ecological crisis?” Her movement practice is based on the continuous inquiry of perceptual engagement and the sensorial world. She deals with structures that permit the free association of the body and the personal discovery of the participant. Her process is accessible for all bodies with or without experience. She invites participants to activate imagination and sensitivity while investigating their sensorial world. She runs and collaborates in various artistic-educational programs with a central focus on the sensitive body (ERASMUS + programs). She is a collaborator in the program “it could be me – it could be you” by Drama & Education Network and UNHCR Greece (Agency for Refugees) running educational workshops aiming to cultivate empathy and inclusivity concerning refugees phenomena. She is the artistic leader in the project ‘Sensorial Ecotopias’, researching with teenagers, the term ‘sustainability and the dimensions of active biopolitics’. She collaborates with Duncan Dance Centre (Athens) in the “Moving Ground” program based on the relationship between permaculture and dance. She is a research associate in the ‘NOMADIC ACADEMY’- research dance project, led by Anna Konjetzky (Munich), designing dance practices focusing on body politics through the prism of a feminist perspective.

A dance educational program in Lefkada Greece including original dance workshops with inspiring international educators and artists of contemporary dance and somatic practices. A living and practicing experience including dance workshops, accommodation and meals.
All Unplugged Dance workshops are open to everyone who wants to meet, share, dance and self-explore through movement and creative process. There is no need for previous experience in dance classes, although if there is one, it is welcome.

“The Nomadic School of Moving Thought | expanded | from art to life” is part of Unplugged Revisited 2023, an imprint left by our meeting with the facilitators of the first Unplugged Dance program. With the intention of creating a space of educational, artistic research and exchange, that will give the opportunity for our individual trajectories to meet and our relationships to deepen, we created this branch where educators/artists from the previous Unplugged Dance programs, have a whole week in order to deepen or revisit their workshop.

Find info and photos here https://unpluggeddance.com/workshops/?filter=services


Please visit: https://unpluggeddance.com/event/unplugged-revisited…

Cost for participants: Early bird from 665 euros – accommodation and meals included-

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