The green monster: Dealing with the Ego in Professional Dance

The life of a professional dancer is as much a psychological and emotional struggle as much as it is physical. We have all at one point or another experienced those ugly emotions we know we shouldn’t feel, but somehow, in some way, something in dance brings them out from the deepest and darkest places; “why did she get that part?” “How come he got that job?” “Why didn’t they hire me?” Understanding the Ego and how to utilise it best in day-to-day life can be mighty helpful in the ongoing development of a dancer’s career.

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Holding on my feminist values in the dance industry. A personal view from a dancer

Conflating ideas on sexuality and dance is an important, albeit conflicting, issue for any female/professional dancer nowadays; especially in today’s social and political climate and, amidst a profession spent glorifying and often essentialising the human body. As a female and as a dancer, the ever-present reality of displaying sexuality is a constant phenomenon, either in the direction or expectations of others, or the image we believe we are expected to portray.

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Daniel Mariblanca: A transgender voice in dance

I am 36 years old and I have lived 34 of those years as a woman who identified as a lesbian. Those are very solid pillars in me which I have defended with strong emphasis. Then five years ago, I started to get in contact with a lot of Trans people in Barcelona who inspired me deeply. That was when I started questioning the pillars of my live. In some way it was like getting to understand the relation between pieces that weren’t yet connected. We could maybe say that being a woman and being a lesbian was a massive cover up under which I felt encouraged and secure. By then being Trans was an inaccessible idea to me, something difficult to understand.

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HKICAROS & Hong Kong International Choreography Festival – Where east and west meet. A space to question, discuss, explore and develop choreography; creating its present to envision its future.

HKICAROS (Hong Kong International Collective Artists in Residency for Opportunities and Sustainability) and Hong Kong International Choreography Festival is a tandem, a five week choreographic residency followed by a three day festival happening in the symbiotic city of Hong Kong from May 27th to June 29th 2019.

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Another Summer of Dance – 10 “Must Try” Summer Dance Intensives for any Experience-Hungry Dancer! (2019)

Another Summer of Dance –  below are the most popular and interesting contemporary dance intensive of 2019. Some of them happening very soon or almost selling out. So, have a read and hurry up before it’s too late.

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